Explore all our AI solutions for the automobile industry
From the sourcing of a vehicle to its resale, Tchek has built artificial intelligence solutions to accompany professionals towards the automobile of tomorrow.

Accelerate your vehicles inspections with Tchek API Inspection
You need to know the condition of a vehicle? Whether it is in the case of a repair, a rental or a claim, proprietary ALTO AI helps you detect the damage and estimate the cost of repair.

Streamline vehicle trade-in with Tchek on-site trade-in solution
Inspect vehicles on site in a few minutes and make your sales staff's life easier, while optimizing the trade-in experience for the customer!

Source more VO with Tchek remote trade-in solution
Get comprehensive vehicle condition reports remotely. Thanks to damage detection and repair cost estimation, make accurate cash trade-in offers in minutes.

Revenda os seus veículos mais rapidamente e profissionalize os seus anúncios
Our AI checks the conformity of your images and optimizes them automatically according to your wishes. Clipping, background modification, blurring, plate recognition, image enhancement and more.


Discover how automobile professionals use our solutions
Comece a utilizar a IA para inspecionar os seus veículos.
Teremos todo o gosto em conhecer as suas necessidades ou os seus projectos em matéria de inspeção e de remarketing.
Peça-nos mais informações!