Simplify your on-site vehicle trade-in.
Inspect vehicles on site in minutes and make work easier for your teams, while optimizing the trade-in experience for the customer!
Já adotado por muitos profissionais do sector automóvel
Make fast, precise and reliable trade-in offers.
Get a complete comprehensive tour and standardised shots.
With our complete Shoot Inspect photo course, professionalize the inspection of your vehicles.

Deixe que a nossa inteligência artificial ALTO AI detecte os danos por si!
O ALTO AI identifica riscos, mossas, fricções, lascas, peças partidas, estima a sua gravidade e localiza a sua posição na carroçaria.
Obter um relatório completo de estimativa de custos de reparação do veículo.
Let our technology calculate your repair costs according to your business logic and to your own price list, in a few seconds. All you have to do is make a trade-in offer!

Enjoy Tchek On-Site Trade-In on your smartphone
Intuitive and easy to handle, give your teams the best tools to trade-in vehicles professionally on site.
We offer a web-application.

Como funciona
Optimized customer file entry integrated with your management tools, guided photo tour, damage detection and costing. Inspect vehicles on site in a few minutes and make life easier for your sales people, while optimizing the trade-in experience for the customer!
Enter essential information for the trade-in of a vehicle. Everything is automatically integrated into your inventory management tools.
Perform a 360° photo tour of the vehicle following the path developed by Tchek (or customizable).
Control and modify the damages identified by our artificial intelligence ALTO AI directly in the app.
You automatically get a complete report of repair cost estimation provided by our AI. You can edit the damages and their cost if needed.
Your commercial agent is ready to make a personalised and accurate trade-in offer to the client.
Start using AI to make trade-in offers.
Teremos todo o gosto em conhecer as suas necessidades ou os seus projectos.
Peça-nos mais informações!