Press Release
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Capture 360° photos - Tchek extends its range with remarketing

Tchek expands its range of VO products

For the actors of the VO

The startup's offer, already operational in France and Europe, now extends from car inspection to remarketing. Drawing on its business expertise, it is Tchek strengthening
its range of products and offers a complete and unique offer to the actors of the VO.

From recovery to online

With the desire to bridge the gap between photo studios and the smartphone application, Tchek 360 allows you to make a 360° of a vehicle passing through two multidirectional cameras. This new remarketing tool could well become indispensable to car preparers by optimizing stock preparation and rotation while bringing rigor and transparency to the online publication of vehicles.

Agility as a strength

Easy integration and fluidity in use, Tchek 360 takes up the winning equation of the scanner Tchek to meet all remarketing needs on a reduced footprint. "Remarketing has become a key component for retailers. We are responding to a new need for automation with an all-in-one service that standardizes and streamlines the OEM business," explains Lea Chevry, co-founder of Tchek.

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Descubra as nossas soluções de IA para a indústria automóvel

Graças à sua Inteligência Artificial única ALTO AI, o Tchek facilita a inspeção e a remarketing de veículos. Descubra todas as nossas soluções dedicadas aos profissionais do sector automóvel.

Função de inspeção Tchek