Press Release
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Equip Auto - Tchek showcase ALTO inspection AI during the show !

From 15 to 19 October, the young company Tchek exhibits for the first time at the Equip Auto show, an opportunity to talk about its car inspection scanner to the main players in the vehicle industry. used and aftermarket.

At the heart of the France AutoTech island, in the Startup Park, France AutoTech Tchek intends to promote its complete offer: body diagnosis, report to the service advisor and autonomous vehicle tour. On this occasion, the young company is deploying a dedicated meeting page, continuous video demonstrations and rich exchanges.

With an unequaled acceleration of the digital turn, both in the autonomous vehicle, in the distribution models and in the customer journey, automotive professionals are equipping themselves with new tools. "We support our customers in their move towards digitalization of the aftermarket. Our mission is to help them achieve additional sales in a minimum amount of time" explains Léa Chevry, co-founder of Tchek.

Equip Auto, the continuity of a loaded re-entry for Tchek

New partnerships, new installations, Equip Auto is the logical continuation of this busy autumn for those Tchek who see a growth in sales since the summer of 2019. "This show is a must for our company, which positions itself as a vector of gains for aftermarket and remarketing. As specialists in intelligent vehicle inspection, we are seeing increasing interest in this scanner throughout the entire automotive inspection chain. "says the start-up.

Personnalised appointments will be offered at the Equip Auto Show

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Descubra as nossas soluções de IA para a indústria automóvel

Graças à sua Inteligência Artificial única ALTO AI, o Tchek facilita a inspeção e a remarketing de veículos. Descubra todas as nossas soluções dedicadas aos profissionais do sector automóvel.

Função de inspeção Tchek