Press Release
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Tchek unveils its ambitions for 2022

Marseille, February 2, 2022 - Tchek sets out to conquer new markets by bringing on board 25 new adventurers and consolidates its position as the European market leader in AI-based imaging solutions for the automotive industry.

Once upon a time...

Elon Musk, Simone Veil or Thomas Pesquet, these are the names that can be read on the doors of the meeting rooms at Tchek, a clear ambition for Anton Fert, the co-founder and CEO of Tchek; to break the codes, to shake up conventional thinking and to constantly raise the bar. A real human and technological adventure in an important but still not very automated market, the automotive inspection market. Inspections are still carried out manually, using time-consuming and error-prone procedures. 

Based on this observation, Tchek, created in 2016, has been able to impose itself on the automated automotive inspection market thanks to its autonomous capture solutions, the Tchek Scan. Scanners that can analyze a vehicle in a few seconds compared to over 20 minutes for an operator. In addition to saving considerable time, the start-up has also been able to drastically reduce sources of error by developing its own artificial intelligence solution, ALTO AI, which allows damage detection of over 90% on average.

"Thanks to these first solutions, we have been able to meet the market's expectations by facilitating the work of professionals and by establishing ourselves as a trusted third party in the vehicle purchase/sale/use value chain," says Léa Chevry, co-founder and CRO at Tchek.

2021 : Fundraising, growth and strategic expansion.

It is in a turbulent context, with the various crises experienced (global pandemic and shortage of semiconductors), that Tchek continues its growth and conquers new countries including Italy, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Sweden, Morocco and the United Arab Emirates. After raising 3 million euros at the beginning of the year with Demeter and Région Sud Investissement as its main investors, Tchek was able to confirm the market's need to digitalize the automotive inspection sector. The company has therefore launched a suite of digital solutions including the Tchek App, which still integrates its artificial intelligence ALTO AI

"Thanks to this new solution, Tchek intends to become a must-have for the players in the automotive mobility industry by adapting to all their business uses," adds Anton Fert, co-founder and CEO of Tchek.

This year, more than twenty customers have decided to join the Tchek adventure, such as Fast Lease, Carlife, Ubench, the Dubreuil group or SereniMax... In addition to historical customers such as Aramisauto or Gefco. And that's without counting the customers of its European distributors who are increasingly numerous. These new signatures have enabled Tchek to achieve a record year, tripling its revenues.

A unique expertise

After 5 years of research and development, the ALTO AI artificial intelligence has unique performances on the market with very high detection rates and offering functionalities developed according to the business uses. 

Tchek goes further than just inspection: the company is able to support all the players in the automotive mobility industry in their transformation: manufacturers, logisticians, rental companies, distributors, marketplaces, insurers, experts, etc., by offering them functionalities integrated into their tools and processes. An example: Tchek has developed a complete solution to facilitate the remote recovery of vehicles by car distributors and marketplaces. 

Tchek is the only one to offer both fixed autonomous capture solutions and digital solutions such as the new application successfully launched in the summer of 2021 allowing to inspect the condition of a vehicle with a simple smartphone, thus opening many new markets.

This is just the beginning...

In the spring of 2022, Tchek will present many new features, new functionalities for the mobile application but also a new autonomous capture solution even more accomplished, even though Tchek Scan is already a reference on the market. A new version integrating all the functionalities developed by Tchek over the last 5 years, allowing to inspect, quantify the damage and promote one's vehicle.

"In 2022, there will also be 300 million images of vehicles analyzed, i.e. several million complete inspections, a tripled turnover, twice as many adventurers and more than 300 customers," says Anton Fert.

Very soon, new announcements will follow...

Tchek gives you regular appointments throughout the year. It will also be possible to discover Tchek's new products during many events such as Equip'Auto on the Univers VO show, which will be held at the same time as the Mondial de l'auto in Paris from October 18 to 22, 2022 or the AutoMechanika show in Germany in September.

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Descubra as nossas soluções de IA para a indústria automóvel

Graças à sua Inteligência Artificial única ALTO AI, o Tchek facilita a inspeção e a remarketing de veículos. Descubra todas as nossas soluções dedicadas aos profissionais do sector automóvel.

Função de inspeção Tchek